Thursday, 24 January 2013

Holly before after and work in progress

In this photo i changed the levels to make the photo lighter to give it more definition and then i changed the curves to make the berry redder so that it stood out more.

Red flower before after and work in progress

In this photo i left the crop as it was as it was nicely asymmetrical. I changed the hue/saturation to make the photo brighter and the contrast was increased, i then changed the colour balance to make the colours stand out more and i changed the red on curves to emphasize the green hues.

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Pink flower before after and work in progress

The techniques i used in this photo include changing the hue/saturation to dull the colours down to make the photo darker so i could then change to brightness so that the photo had a vintage look. 

Thursday, 17 January 2013

Flower before and after and work in progress

To create my version of this picture i cropped it to make it look more interesting and so it wasn't symmetrical , then i changed to brightness to lift the colours a little and add depth and then i changed to levels to added more contrast.